MPlayer also works under Windows. And I use it quite often too.
But I had a problem with a error saying :
New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf). subtitle font: load_sub_face failed.And even looking at the manual, i found nothing because all of the doc is mainly for *nix systems and where is the "~" path, nor on the Internet.
So, if you are too looking for the solution at this problem, i tried this :

And putting a copy of the arial font in C:\usr\local\share\mplayer\subfont.ttf is working fine (but my favorite font is "Baldal (TrueType)").
To deinterlace, use :
-vf pp=fd
To change overlay color key on windows (to get rid to not having the video on your green terminal's font) :
-colorkey 0x000001 (or "colorkey=0x000001" on the config file. you can use the color you want (rgb, hex format)
Now it says Win32 "LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll" and quits when I'm trying to play a stream ! Try to add "-playlist" to your command§.
It was working without that before on my debian box, but now it seem to be needed... ?